Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lola Luftnagle Clothing

Argentina! Only in Argentina

At last I saw a match with Argentina!

So far I had not seen a World Cup match between Argentina, which is the most beautiful thing because it shares the excitement and adrenaline-filled one! Moreover, this simple fact makes one feel "at home" ...

in Rome has installed a giant screen in Villa Borghese, one of the great parks that are, where they spend the World Cup matches, so many famous Argentines flock there to see ... there is the chance to see them at the embassy or consulate, the first games not spent on TV. So far by time or bad weather had not gone to any of these places ...

This Sunday we met at the home of Gabriella, super soccer fan who handed out noisemakers and horns that he bought in Argentina and we painted face!

It was fantastic GOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL scream three times! the "brothel" we did! I was with Nicole in her arms ... so I ran to the other end of the yard so they do not scare me, is not used my love! Italy is a country so quilombero as my lochia Argentina ... but the bank is re bien! did not cry!

Next Saturday we all met again for luck ... the same in the same place!

VAMOS VAMOS ARGENTINA!! from across the ocean you also have a good puffy!

sister Thanks for sharing the moment with me ... for thinking of me and your niece is ... nice to know that you have us close ...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Funny Things To Write On A Car With Marker

La Storia Di uno sguardo

A bosco, parco naturale, il lake, Lake l'altro e il canale che li college. Diciotto Physicists in bicicletta, mezzo in the mud, alle Radici che agli uccellini cinguettano e le che li zanzare divorano. What pieno di selvaggina stomac, l'allegria da birra e l'atmosphere from a school trip to the whole season.
laughing, joking, pushing and pulling us, you the strength to deal with those 15 miles that separate us from the great road. Then the park stops: we arrived.
Large slabs of concrete on which their wheels (and legs) finally run quiet.
A gate of barbed wire and the Dove Atomic indicates that they arrived at the station.
There is much of the energy produced in the GDR. When the unit has spent his last review I was not born yet, was in May 1986. On April 26 was passed recently. Rheinsberg can continue to produce for another six years, until the tender age of twenty-six.
Its control room was even on 10 March, the East course.

Meanwhile, the wind changes, the wall falls, Germany is one, and safety standards are higher.
So in June 1990 in Rheinsberg begins dismantling. The dismantled like a lego. The first part was the reactor, since the plant is a giant with no heart. A giant in which every day is a new piece sawn off.

you can venture into the belly of the giant, but first you have to let it all out. Of eighteen will be physical delivered vest, pants and a pair of orange socks. A button opens the first door, then another button and the second door. Then receive an orange jumpsuit, a pair of shoes and a helmet.
'm in belly of the giant. Right there where the heart was removed, the arteries severed, cut into small pieces and put in yellow bins.
There are hundreds of yellow bins, in the belly of the giant. Hundreds more are already in storage. Rest lying next to the heart that beats no more.
Even without the giant heart still shines. So the eighteen physical before leaving, they must divest themselves of everything they had with them and go inside a large closet, which measures how the giant left on their body.

Our physical can not take anything with you, just the memory of what it involves disposing a giant cement. They can also carry with them many questions unanswered. You may ask whether it makes sense, nowadays, to give birth to other giants, and then wake them up in a few years back to sleep.
We are also asking us to take responsibility to decide, but that's another story.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why Am I Breaking Out On My Back

Dinner Uisport

Even last night we celebrated a memorable event: in that of San Sisto, kind and thoughtful host, Cynthia has done to lower the drawbridge of his castle to let the starving peasants.

If the post-race dinner was appreciated, surely that last night was much appreciated.

First of all the splendid setting of the castle, in the shadow of the tower, Cinzia points with pride, "the 1000 " campaign around the company has made us many times during the grueling workouts, and it certainly was not the best time to appreciate it with the necessary relaxation.

But the gourmet dinner that is beyond any aesthetic enjoyment, and sculpts affects memory: " Ah, that time at the home of Cynthia .. ."

If all these races were, if all the marathons were so, if every workout could be faced with this spirit ...

We can say that we have created something that was not there before: a big group, which is cemented through joint events and ceremonies, who knows how long, but in the meantime, let's go on like this.

have so far been more pleasantly surprised!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Carolina Ap Biology Lab 5 Answers

of June 14, 2010 night race, Todi, June 29, 2010: an event!

Todi back the protagonist of an official road race at night in years.

Many concerns have troubled the eve, the dreams of the organizers of competing invented from scratch, from the path length, location and midweek night, the attractiveness.
But, as in the popular theater, all the chaos of the preparations is led by the invisible hand of fate that, at the right time, as if by magic puts everything in motion, and everything works. Now we
Forecasts say 250 members, including at least three teams in Umbria AVIS.
From the morning the team of volunteers are working to everything is perfect:
350 liters of water, 50 of tea, pens to 35 kg, pizza and cake in quantity, four hams, sausages and capocolli between 20, 100 kg of noodles and 250 packs of wine in the race: these numbers.
You can certainly give the opinion that you like, not sure that the organization has given its best.
At 19:30, the provincial councilor Roberto Bertini blesses the fledgling race. At 20:30
part of the non-competitive, 80 subscribers, slightly behind on the table. At 21:00
the way of competitive. From Piazza del Popolo to Via Mazzini, a slight slight slope, then via Ciuffelli up at the park, where the route leaves the track and take the park Rocca, the first detachment in up here, 300 meters up to the Lion Rock; sharp bend, almost 180 degrees to fall back still uphill for another 100 meters then, finally, a slight slope to recover but also accelerating. The gates, after all, still a 180 ° turn dry, steep slope on the rise, almost a Grand Prize of the Mountain, to the keep of the Rocca, a drop of 7-8 meters in a turn of 20. Here planes, even if briefly, and resumed the slope, then a short straight up in front of San Fortunato, is finally down to two angles 90 ° just taken up the alley way Leonj at last we can see the Piazza del Popolo, but is not Time: the path pulls to the right, even on steep slopes with three right angles consecutive to curb the fastest, here, finally, the Corso Cavour, uphill, the square for overtaking, an extensive tour behind the Cathedral and the finish line.
Walkers may enter their experience, for the men's podium occorrerranno two more laps, the female one.
A route is technically well-articulated, in testing any kind of speed, which paeggisticamente, with natural and historical backgrounds of great importance.
are top athletes on the podium: the veteran Frank Dottori, the women's category, and Fabrizio Mattioli, flies in the sprint favorite brand.

should be at a premium even in the top ten in nine categories, and you'll see many smiles on his face of many athletes, and three teams with the highest number of subscribers: Terni AVIS, AVIS Sangemini Runners and Citta di Castello. For all

, plaque and medals, which is provided by generous sponsors the heartfelt thanks of the organizers, sponsors without whom the event would not have been definitely possible. A special thanks goes

AVIS Todi, who provided human and material resources beyond availability.
Numerous public participation in the Family Run 2.2, a single turn, with members of each sex and age.

finished, Party Pasta, pizza and desserts at will for everyone, and music and wine to cheer the athletes and guests, to seal the success of The AVIS Trophy City of Todi.

From tomorrow, the organizers will be working hard to prepare, and ongi how to improve the next edition.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sony Sr200p Multi-region

This is what I love about my country!

Where else in the world of a military band will do something! Bailanta and not playing military marches!


love the ability and courage to get out of having my country ceremoniocidad!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pattycake In Training Worth It

What do you call the play?

Monday morning walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...
Monday Afternoon: walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove leaves ugly ...

Tuesday morning walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...
Tuesday afternoon: walk through the living room, look at the floor and I twisted" the I have to straighten out the leaves and ugly ...

Wednesday morning walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...
Wednesday afternoon: walk through the living room, look at the floor and I twisted" the I have to straighten out the leaves and ugly ...

Thursday morning walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...
Thursday Afternoon: walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...

Friday morning walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think" I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...
Friday afternoon: walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...

Saturday morning, walk through the living room, look at the floor and I twisted" the I have to straighten out the leaves and ugly ...
Saturday afternoon: walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...

Sunday morning walk through the living room, look Plant twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...
Sunday afternoon: walk through the living room, the plant looked crooked and think" I have to straighten out the leaves and ugly ...

Monday morning walk through the living room, the plant looked twisted and think "I have to straighten and remove unsightly leaves ...
Monday afternoon: walk through the living room, look at the floor and I twisted" I have to straighten out the leaves and ugly ...

What do you call the play?