Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kermit Washington Punching Rudy Tom Jonovich

I said, the multitouch Mac

As if doubts remain, after the clear warning signal that is the MagicTrackpad for more than one (including me), out * in the light of these new Apple patents while not as controversial as this other, give much food for thought.

The first suggests a possible MacBook with multi-IPS screen. Remember then that IPS is the acronym for "Alternate in the Plane ", which means in short the possibility of achieving a better picture viewing angles more complicated. However, that quality is a mere detail to the side that would be adding multitouch also Apple laptops.

Personally I find it strange the idea of \u200b\u200btouch screens on the MacBook, because their screens have a size similar to the IPAD and would also be an attractive alternative to the typical trackpad. However, the following patent if it took me by surprise.

In this picture, so you can see is a multi-screen iMac which also has a base whose joints are used to position the screen to another position. This would provide more convenience for the user to interact with computers using touch gestures.

But while interacting with the screen horizontally is more convenient than in the normal position, it remains more tiring to keep their arms "in the air" while intereactĂșa hands, let them supported the desktop while using the keyboard and mouse. In this regard, the patent suggests something: the iMac would have a primary OS (Mac OS, probably) that would be used with traditional peripheral before appointed, and a secondary OS (IOS, perhaps?) with which it interacts using multitouch. The interesting thing is that the patent quality names "Dual OS" to record the method of transition from one to another, taking the screen in normal orientation, the iMac will work with the primary OS, while the landscape mode by passing, running pass automatically with the OS side.

However, I find it more interesting, still seems impractical. And I mean that I can not imagine that someone might like to have separate functions on your computer. Even today, one can have a PC or a Mac with two or three operating systems and cause the machine to work with one or another. The downside is that you take the trouble to select an OS to perform certain tasks, and other OS to others. Why not do all in one? I think it would be ideal for the user to combine the desired features into one OS, not to have to walk by transitions (either by restarting the computer, or moving the monitor from one location to another).

On computers with several operating systems understand it, because they are from different companies and have diverse ecosystems so that you can not effect a merger case. But in the case of two sets of the same company why no? Perhaps the union would take too long and requires user feedback in order to do well. But the first attempt, if it were an iMac as well, should be integrated into Mac OS iOS. So it is not necessary to "change the mode n" to use a certain application, but that can be used whenever you want. That is like having a iPad within the Mac, how it can be Mac OS X in a PC with Windows 7 because of the virtual PC. After all, want to use an application iOS not mean we want to happen if or when interacting with the Mac via a touchscreen.

also, take this with caution: I'm just speculating, as the "secondary SO" might be something other IOs (though I am willing to bet that if you are not). And in any case, the existence of patents does not ensure that these machines come true one day.

* I am in charge, these patents were disclosed before the patent for the iPhone with the ability to recognize the user.

Via Engadget

[ UPDATE: in AppleWeblog inform us that the patent could be closer to reality than we think. I leave a quote of the article can read the whole thing here .]

"As already known, Sintek Photronic, a leading manufacturer of large touch panels, screens would be sent to Cupertino sample to be tested. Panels that would be designed to pre-production of a new iMac Touch.
The capacitive screens and Sintek would be prepared to cope with the pace of production required by Apple. It is also rumored that the sensors of the screen, instead of standing at the top, would be integrated the crystal itself, ensuring panels much thinner and lighter that would maintain the viewing angles up to 178 range current iMac. "

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How To Delete History Recordingdirect Tv

extends Apple could make their devices recognize the user in an intelligent way

requested a new Apple patent application describing methods to allow the iPhone and iPad" feel "to the user, sensing your voice, your face, behavior patterns and even beats of his heart. If detected unauthorized use, could activate different types of measures.

For example, if the IOS device detects that a user is not authorized, you can start taking pictures and send them an e-mail, along with GPS coordinates, records passwords, phone calls and possibly several other activities. The owner may also be able to safeguard their data remotely, with the ability to "turn off" your device after making the backup.

This patent application seems to be a version of "supercharged" feature Find my iPhone, which is available with the MobileMe service along with other hardware and software features. While features may described by this patent application never find a path towards achieving real products, it makes sense that Apple wants to increase the security of their devices, especially taking into account the increase are taking its number of corporate clients.

to here, was my direct translation Gizmodo article. My personal opinion about it is somewhat ambiguous: while on one hand I like the security that an application like this could offer the other do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bknowing that not only the user could use the features but also (and security) Apple and its marketing division, whether to sell the information to others in the style Google, or in order to "improve its products."

am a person who is serious about privacy, although I know many do not mind Google and Facebook sell your data so that people from other advertising companies to approach them based on their tastes and habits of the Internet. In any case, I hope that if they become reality such characteristics (or some of them), they require a particular software that enables them. Because the truth that have devices that can monitor the user without knowing that this sounds like too much power for a few hands ... let alone what a hacker could do if he were to enter the database.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tatuajes En La Bajina

MagicBoard: interesting design a multitouch keyboard protectors Films

While the design itself is old news (it's June 19), could not fail to show very interesting concept by Eliel Cabrera . It is hoped that many who are accustomed to physical keyboards, the idea of \u200b\u200ba touchscreen keyboard will be a little uncomfortable. But I think there is no denying that we could at least give it a try and test it on any premises for such. Then I show the pictures along with the author's words about the design.

"MagicBoard is a configurable touchscreen tablet that connects via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi with any device. Touching the screen and moving his fingers and the palm of a hand across the surface without losing contact one can move through different designs to use different ways to communicate with the devices. "

" MagicBoard You can set according to their own requirements. In that sense, can function as a keyboard or touchpad with customizable shortcuts, such as piano keyboard, or whatever you want. We would not be limited to the normal keyboard or mouse to communicate with devices, but we could imagine is that we want to work, as we enjoy our desktop computer, your laptop or tablet PC and simply our do it. "

" The touch screen, with your commands by gestures and configurable designs, give us a magical experience. This is not what you need, but one can imagine ... this is where the power of MagicBoard. Because with the MagicBoard, the limit is our imagination. "

Beyond the words of the author marketers, the reality is that a keyboard that suits the needs would be great. From certainly do not think it is so easily customizable as Elie says, but certainly could open a market for MagicBoard designs also make him earn some money for programmers turn, will go increasingly exploiting the potential of the tablet .

However, in a personal opinion, I do not think that everything is so simple. While a customizable keyboard like this can become quite versatile, I think it will only be useful for a Mac that is used as a media center. Because in the case of a work pc or a pc gamer, this keyboard will bring more headaches to facilities.

Of course, everything depends on you. I still believe that use a physical keyboard will always be easier and more comfortable than a touchscreen keyboard, especially for long sessions of writing or gaming. More than anything because the physical keyboard can type without looking at both the buttons go (also on a touch pad, but have less guides for this) and because I think the natural perspiration of the hands could become more complicated experience.

However, as a keyboard for people who use the PC mostly for fun surfing the Internet, watching videos, listening to music and playing occasionally, probably this tablet will come in handy.

Finally, it does not hurt to remember that I spoke recently of MagicTrackpad as a precursor of a future multi-touch interaction based MacOS. For a more advanced stage of integration with Mac OS iOS innovations, this design strikes me as perfect.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Basketball Cake Recipe

For me the most beautiful time of day of the summer are the times evening between 7 and 8. It is when the hot sun loses its strength and the breeze is becoming cooler.

That time of day when the sky is still blue, when started yet tinged with pink.

Yesterday I sat on the balcony to revel in that moment and I looked up .. THE SKY ... long ago that he did not, and while I reveled in its immensity felt the same feeling as I passed the MAR ...

; peace
de misterio
                                                                    to embellish

And I said .. why I look so little incredible SKY is there always to offer the same sensations as the RAF that I have to go looking ...

Friday, August 6, 2010

How Can I Get Soul Silver Rom To Stop Crashing

iPhone 4: Do they help to improve the signal?

was expected, since the iPhone 4 has a problem that affects his ability as a receiver of radio frequency waves (which we can talk on the phone and send or receive text messages), someone should use this situation to their advantage.

While rival phone companies have already done so, including Samsung and Motorola with appropriate posters, so did the Invisible Shield people, a company that sells films (movies, films) protective covers and even headphones for the iPhone and other mobile equipment. In this particular case, what is Invisible Shield offers a set of protective sheets covering not only the screen and back cover of the iPhone 4 but also its sides, thus interfering with direct skin contact with the antenna signal solving any problem caused by the AntennaGate.

However, if it is the only company sheets / covers / shells that exploits the problem directly from an aggressive marketing campaign to sell their products, there are other options within the same market as they are Wrapsol and Stealth Armor. Although the latter offers its product as a solution to the problem of the antenna directly, the first does so without even mentioning the issues of signal. However, since their product completely covers the phone like the other two companies, is likely to solve or help solve the problem in as much as the others. However, saying this question is what fixes the problem as these foil adhesive? Then I shall present what I found.

Invisible Shield

offers five options: protective films to the metal frame (ie, for the antenna), protector screen protector, rear deck, complete protection (sides, screen and rear cover) for easy application and full protection of maximum coverage.

With respect to the antenna, appears not to resolve completely. There are people who say they have solved your problem with this product, but there are those who say that the problem persists even with the blades attached. Perhaps the solution is good for those with the AntennaGate, but not for cases of Finger Spot (details of the classification are here.)

For protection, users say it is good, though some complain that it looks a bit "fuzzy" screen saver when you stand, so we should try it with the version that protects the antenna just to see how it, if the main reason for buying is to solve the problem of AntennaGate.

In previous versions, users were also complaining that the film became slightly yellowish with time. However, nothing I can say about this release, which might have improved on the previous at that point. It's a question of waiting for more reviews go.

short :

Coverage Options:
Five design options: One (Clear)
Solve Finger Spot:
not Solve AntennaGate: Yes, in some cases
Protects against scratches: If
protects against falling: not

Good added that the company responsible for the product also offers one called ZAGGskins , including custom designs.

Official Site Coverage

Stealth Armor
(By Fusion of Ideas)

Sold in two options: screen saver, and full protection (sides, screen and back).

Stresses of its competitors offer, besides the typical transparent sheets, some films with different material finishes that mimic not only the eye but also to touch. So, have a catalog that offers from faux finishes faux leather to aluminum, through imitation carbon fiber and even wood.

However, despite the finish you choose for the back cover, the front will remain completely transparent, and sides of a faux brushed aluminum . However, the attractive design of the Stealth Armor products is consistent with its quality and mitigating the problem of the antenna.

Since the company made clear that the product simply to protect the iPhone from scratches and bumps when they learned from user feedback that many were noting that the sidewall of the Armor Stealth helped alleviate the problem of reception. Encouraged by this discovery, would have sent a sample of your product to people SlashGear announcing it as a possible solution to the problem of the antenna. However, the staff of that website could not corroborate it, experts have noted that despite the protective put Stealth Armor, the iPhone 4 of his property continued to have the same signal problems.

however, can not fail to take into account the product as a sum of protection and personality without having to add extra weight to the new iPhone. According to comments from users, these films fulfill his role as anti-scratch protection.

short :

Coverage Options:
Two design options: Several
Solve Finger Spot:
not Solve AntennaGate: If In some cases
Protects against scratches
: If
Protects against falls: not

people of SlashGear

Wrapsol Ultra
(By Wrapsol)

People Wrapsol
offers two options, both cover the entire iPhone 4: Anti-scratch Protection Original and Ultra-fall protection and Scratches.

The particularity of this product is that despite being a thin transparent film, promises to protect the iPhone 4 will not only be scratched but also look after damaged by accidental damage (including falls from five feet high), if we acquire the Ultra version.

From what I could find, the "original" version of the film gives a matt (dull) to the back of the iPhone, while the Ultra version keeps the glossy finish like the film front. There are also differences between the method of application between the versions, while the "original" version maintains the typical method of application that uses a liquid to adhere the film to the iPhone, the Ultra version has a new application "dry" to is (as people of Wrapsol) 87% faster than the old method. I expect that in this figure include the time saved by not having to wait for the phone to dry before using again, as with the method of spray adhesive.

In terms of quality and protection, seems to be as good as its competitors, although the applied "dry" would seem to be a big plus. Those who have used recommend it, but I could not find a user who has made a test to see if the Ultra Wrapsol actually protects against drops from five feet in height. There are videos showing more resistance than enviable, but made by Wrapsol people so I personally do not trust me a lot. On the issue of the antenna, there are users who say nothing.

short :

Coverage Options:
Two design options: One (Clear)
Solve Finger Spot: No one knows for sure
AntennaGate: No one knows for sure
Protects against scratches : If
protects against falling: No one knows for sure

it did not have concrete evidence, it is expected that the protective film Wrapsol AntennaGate solve the problem but be safe with respect to the Finger Spot, just like the products of rivals.

Official Site

Finally, if interested in these products but would like to see other brands on their own, I leave a brief list of other similar films:

PureProtect ; (Print to Screen By SwitchEasy)
PureProtect + (Print to screen and back cover By SwitchEasy)

BodyGuardz (All options)

BestSkinsEver (All options)

personally recommend looking SwitchEasy blades that come with exciting finishes on the sheet to the screen . Among them are reflective finish gives the appearance of a mirror to the iPhone screen when it is off, and finish "proprietary" used to it that shows the iPhone's screen can be seen only from the front , ideal for anyone who is on our side can not spy on what you are doing.

Moreover, surely there are also some other good options left out, but these are the best known and recommended in various pages and forums. While it is always good to have some protection for a touch device as expensive as the iPhone, it remains a pity that the sheets (or bumpers, or shells, depending on individual taste) become mandatory for some the problem with the antenna that has the iPhone 4. The only thing you can do is hope that the problem is overcome with the next model, the hard reality harvested from posters such as Samsung and Motorola are in the past.

Note: ZAGG both as Wrapsol Fusion Of Ideas and also offer the same protection for smartphones from other manufacturers, so it is shame them into account while not holding an iPhone.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lesbian Raylene Richard

New Peripherals for Mac desktop

As I mentioned in previous entry, on July 27, Apple updated its Mac and used to launch new accessories for use with them. Without further ado, I happened to tell what they are and what features in each one.

LED Cinema Display

New LED Cinema Display 27 "

years without updating the old Apple Cinema HD Display which had an active matrix LCD screen of 30 inches, Cupertino finally decided to upgrade your monitor star. As part of one of the biggest updates in your catalog of products that are recalled, the company Apple has unveiled a new LED Cinema Display 27 " with 60% more pixels than its 24 inches. This means that the new display maintains the incredible resolution of 2560 pixels wide despite its three inches less, increasing pixel density, while reducing the vertical resolution of 1440 pixels (instead of 1600 pixels) because of 16: 9.

addition, following the footsteps of his 24-inch version, the display includes an iSight camera, speakers, 49 watts, microphone, three USB 2.0 ports and a MagSafe connector to power and charge the MacBook. It also has an ambient light sensor that automatically adjusts the brightness of the monitor depending on the ambient light. All this makes the LED Cinema Display an interesting option for users of the new Mac Pro, or for those who want a secondary display for 27-inch iMac. And last but not least, can also be used as a monitor of the MacBook.

Case unfortunate thing is that while the glossy finish that has the monitor is ostentatious is going to be pretty annoying having to go juggling to prevent light reflections disturb or interfere with vision. Once again, Apple suggests the primacy of aesthetics over functionality is in the development of their products.

Trackpad Magic

The Magic Trackpad, Apple's new multitouch device.

presented as a new feature Apple Trackpad Magic, who moved to the desktop the advantages of multi-touch trackpad of laptops from the company. By their own state, the Trackpad Magic is like the MacBook Pro trackpad, just bigger. Is made of a durable glass that is soft to the touch and its size is 80% wider than the MacBook Pro trackpad, offering plenty of room for all kinds of gestures. To this is added that as the whole touchpad is a button you can click anywhere. It works wirelessly using Bluetooth by two AA batteries and supports the classic gesture scroll, swipe, and rotate among others controlled by the same preference pane that appears on the Macbooks Pro

preferences panel Trackpad Magic
Is it really the same as the trackpad of a Macbook Pro? TiPb Rene Ritchie, says yes. Accustomed as is the use of your Macbook, the Magic Mouse and the iPad, gestures trackpad found in the Magic were not a surprise. However, what explains in his article is that the iPhone user who never used a Mackbook get used to its use as multitouch gestures while sharing with the mobile device, has others that are quite different. On the other hand, it also compares the Trackpad Magic with the Magic Mouse and says that the former has many more gestures available to the second. Although, of course, for which there is used to manage without the Mouse, the Magic Mouse may be the intermediate step would be needed.

And speaking of intermediate steps, it is inevitable return to the question about the merger of IOS and Mac OS. To do this I will quote * a article written by for Applesfera Salva Castro.

"Limiting ourselves to Apple's description, it seems the idea is to bring the multitouch gestures of laptops to desktops. To me, this is a declaration of intent. Currently, the potential use of multitouch gestures in existing applications are scarce. However, I think the key here is the adverb: now, that is today. However, thinking ahead, let us go and try to imagine what it would be Mac OS X 10.7.

is very clear to me that Apple is looking at ways that the user purchases a new user experience, different, which is different from the rest. One way of achieving this goal is to provide a new operating system on which the multitouch experience is the key. "
And in my opinion, Apple is already moving toward that end. We saw in the Magic Mouse, and now it becomes even clearer with the emergence of Magic Trackpad. In addition, he says Jesus Diaz in his article for Gizmodo, the success that Apple had with the sales of its Touch devices made them realize that people are already ready for a change in the way they interact with their devices. This would take a big step forward and abandon the desktop metaphor (a stew of folders and files) as we know it today. To that end, Apple plans to make all your devices are handled through multitouch gestures. Perhaps the Macbook to see a hybrid that has a physical keyboard and touch screen, but the desktop would be impossible, or at least impractical. Why? Well, Jesus Diaz explains that moving the hands on a monitor 24 or 27 inches would uncomfortable and tiring. While it may sound interesting as a concept, the reality is that the end of the day, end up with a sore neck and arms. Then, if we accept this reality, we realize that the problem arises in the field of hardware. The solution, however, was available for some time: a device that allows us to interact with programs without touching the screen. A peripheral, as in the time it was the mouse, but can accept multi-touch gestures. Looking to the trackpad of the MacBook Pro, the solution presented itself: to do something similar, but larger.

addition, returning to the Salva Castro said, Apple is adapting its computer programs to the touch interface. I quote again his words:

"iMovie for iPhone 4 is one of the strongest bet for Apple to bring a desktop application to the realm of multi-touch interface: The iPhone 4. And it seems to have done a good job, they have adapted throughout the interface of the application to use finger gestures. "

it is questionable after seeing such a movement, is: What would happen if you start to adapt other Mac programs to the touch interface? What if he really iMovie for iPhone was the first step a slow but imminent transition to multi-touch interaction on the part of programs that manage today's keyboard and mouse? Salva Castro writes:

"I think the bet is ambitious but we need an accessory for this: a trackpad, rather than curved like the Magic Mouse, something large enough to support all gestures to which we are accustomed to use an iPhone every day. "

However, a transition will be slow as well. It is likely that the next Mac OS and bring programs that exploit the multi-touch interface but it will not peel off too much from its predecessor. Dramatic changes take time, and especially if you want to get good results.

* While most of the appointments made are those of the author, I took the liberty of editing some few words for the idea there would be more rounded.