Monday, November 29, 2010

Milena Velba Bra Hole

Florence Marathon, jogging 28/XI/2010

Dear friends,

this time there was no emotion in the end, because the happiness, what makes you smile, was higher.

morning at 7:00 there were 3-4 ° and rain drops, the Arno lowed full and frightening.

At breakfast I left orthodoxy and fundamentalism, those croissants and those of authentic Venetian Florentine pastry was too tempting.

And then I did not think we would leave, if the parties, we would have withdrawn.

We arrived wrapped at the starting line, leaving the suitcase in raincoats and the like, not to put too much and at that moment, it seemed so crazy and unreasonable to further intimidate.

Too much hostility of Fate.

But it's never like that, we can not predict anything, we are human.

is part, and on the other side, not like other years, the line is placed almost at the end of the descent. First the boring parts and just the 'ascine, where silence and solitude of * thirty kilometers, together with fatigue, you estrangement, then the center and the historical part, more historical, more beautiful, so much to give back hope and strength .

So the half came unexpected, and at 22 I lose my mentor for a malignant Stefano evacuation.

I leave and go on quiet, realizing that the miles run faster.

The "heavy rain" provided in all newsletters to 11:00 am not be seen, a dense rain keeps us company.

After the 30th I decide to scrape a few seconds, the conditions are right, and everything is a growing up to 40 °.

Here I am reminded of the most beautiful poetry Florentine Dante or Petrarch is not, but Stefano Cappelleti, with the best hand, even if no metric, given in identical conditions.

"Gestisciti, it's over."

's so young.

At 40 °, however, is over.

But this day, apparently started so badly, it still has something to say.

There are legs, there is the head, and I decide to pull the sprint, increased the pace, get down to 10-15-20 seconds.


control the weather, are just a few seconds of the staff, and increased again, overtaking tens of slag and disappointed and, finally, the path slips in that corner I know well.

's too beautiful, for many reasons: it is the Holy Cross, is the goal, it's a record.

I just have time to take the medal and towel heat the sky rumbles and the water comes true, as in "The Betrothed, the one that cleanses and refreshes all minds and hopes.

Thanks guys I have supported and encouraged through Florence, still a wonderful memory.


Slurred Speech More Condition_symptoms


Dear friends, this is the

I must tell:

Thursday I could not go out for the planned 12 km. Accomplices

commitments, schedules, work, Ilaria and above all, I decided to leave at 5:30.

Yes, indeed, not at 17:30, but at 5:30, a time already experienced by Ilaria (and, as they say, takes over one of those ...).

Then, not too sure, I rely on chance: let's see if I wake up or not. At 5:10

are already awake, but awake, and I accept the invitation.

slings long, heavy leather vest, gloves and hat and go.

Outside is pitch dark, even the street cleaners are still felt.

Sure, some poor wretch who passes and goes to work, if the metabolism is activated, perhaps even sees me.

Gro from Mokambo: None. Afraid the silence and darkness of Bramante, turning back, I go for the Rock Ms.Cerquetti slip: if until it was dark, there is total black, you do not see the road. The gate is left open, but the dark wood that looks like a trap in front of him or perhaps have memories Freudians.

fright here and I'm going back.

Square in Vado, nothing, nothing and nobody. But the steps of the Duomo, beautiful illuminated, white and empty, it invites and inspires: I do it four times, as any Rocky Balboa.

Finally we hear the garbage collectors, are 6:00 (or not?), I begin the road back.

Mokambo Al begins to lighten to Pontenaia, and I feel like Forrest Gump Shrimp on the boat at sunrise.

The show is invigorating, I feel excited: a new day, a new dawn, new hopes and dreams, it starts today.

Finally I see in the opposite direction Ilaria, is just beginning.

not know what an adventure it was for me!

It was worth the early rising has been well rewarded, she was right.

Greetings and away, follow her for a bit 'and then the spring, too much for me.

Return, a shower and so on, the busy day spent locked but do not feel a little tired.

Well, on this way, this was a refreshing effort!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Celebrating Orgasm Free


My first passion was reading began just learned to read, do not really know when but what were the books that I feel passionate about and started in this activity that accompanied me throughout life to the point that for many years could not go to sleep without reading at least one page of a book, whatever time it was who went to sleep, even late at night and really tired. The first books were a great collection of stories that my godfather gave me where he had fables Worldwide, the most famous, such as tales of Greek mythology, Russian, animals, classic tales such as caperusita Red, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Hansell and Gretell, Cinderella. I came to read in the summer up to three books in one day! Gone are the times that today .. I have many books in my library waiting for their turn to be read and I think many should I do for a long time!

My second passion Tango dance. Courses started in Santa Fe several times but never lasted long because there was no men, only women and was very boring practice a sequence of steps by heart for hours ... that was far from what is dance. Parodójicamente I caught the ball out of Argentina in a lesson that started by accident because I saw a poster near where I lived ... and from the first day I set foot in the kind of tango dancing and it got me part of my life and I do not ever leave me, there may be moments of more or less time devoted to the tango between milongas, lessons to take or give, but I do not leave. And still my dream is to open a tango school and finally reconcile this great passion to the activity of living, work.

My third passion Ecology , everything that has to do with nature and care, the mood when the recycling of waste, protection of animals, forests, seas, sources of eco-friendly energies.

And my fourth passion, not least because it is the last one appeared in chronological order is the Maternity and all issues having to do with his "sacred" exercise. I love reading books, blogs, interviews and articles on pedagogy and psychology, games, nutrition and childbearing experiences.

And the whole introduction to the passions to share a video I found walking across the network to order the care of the Earth and that I found very interesting. The video is a topic that I am sensitive, Consumerism. I do not like Consumerism as economic strategy, I do not like the values \u200b\u200bit represents nor the consequences both socially and ecologically.

The videos are 3, for those who do not see the link are The Story of Stuff Part 1 Part 2 Part 3