Monday October 18, Apple held a press conference to announce the financial results were the latter term. Contrary to custom, this time Steve Jobs is on the scene by reason of having reached the first 250,000 20.34 billion in sales in a single semester. But maybe that was just the excuse, and they really wanted was to take this opportunity to discuss iOS (leaving it clear that the conference this Wednesday will be only on Mac) and beat the competition.
In TiPb think that Jobs said are the covert criticism of the new Windows Phone 7, and I personally think they are right. Also add that when talking about tablets, although not mentioned the BlackBerry Playbook, I think it specifically calls for this model, criticizing the size of the screen and talk about how difficult it is to equalize the price of the iPad to competition.
I leave What then are excerpts from the statement by Steve Jobs about the competition. Talk Android vs IOS, the amount of sales and strategy BlackBerrys that RIM should take, and defects that suffer the tablets of the competition. While the basis for my translation is transcript made in TiPb , largely took the liberty of listening to the audio rose to bring nearer Engadget a more accurate translation. What follows are the words of Steve Jobs.
"First, let me say something about iPhone. IPhones sold 14.1 million representing growth of 91%. Easily surpassed the 12.1 million BlackBerrys that RIM sold the last four months and not see them catching up in the near future. Must move beyond its area of \u200b\u200bstrength and comfort, go into a territory that is unfamiliar to them and try to become a software company. I think it will be a challenge for them to create a competitive platform and convince developers to create applications for a third platform software after iOS and Android. With 300 thousand applications in App Store, RIM has a huge mountain to climb
-Google Android devices being activated 200,000 per day, with 90,000 applications. 275,000 active Apple IOS devices on regular, with peaks at 300,000, and growing with 300,000 applications in the App Store.
"Unfortunately there is no solid data about how many Android devices have been sold. Manufacturers not reported. I hope they do, I wonder who, if iPhone or Android was the winner in the last quarter.
Google likes say that Android is open, and that IOS is closed. I think this is false, and that hinders the ability to see the real difference between the two platforms. When one speaks of an open operating system, the first thing that comes to mind is Windows, which works on many different devices. Unlike Windows, however, Android is very fragmented. Many Android device manufacturers including Motorola and HTC, install proprietary interface, so the user never knows what to expect. On the contrary, each operates as iPhone.
recently launched a Twitter client, and report having to deal with 100 different versions of Android in 244 different devices. Many applications work only on some Android, in certain versions of the OS, or directly released devices less than 12 months.
Image uploaded by people Gizmodo |
-Amazon, Verizon, Voda, all of them are creating their own App Stores for Android. As users have to search each and developers will have more wits to locate your products and profits. Will be quite a mess. The App Store iOS by contrast, is a single market.
"Even if Google had reason, and the question is about openness, should be reminded that open systems do not always win. Tried it with Microsoft PlaysForSure certification musical segment and had to leave the initiative to switch to Zune is a system more like that offered by Apple, and leave several manufacturers with empty hands.
"Actually, the whole thing OS Open vs Closed is a smokescreen. They are trying to cover up the real dilemma: Which is better for the consumer, or Integrated Sliver ? Android is becoming more fragmented every day. Users should not be inclusive, in that we make a difference. In Apple think that the way we work will always triumph over Google. Ours is better for developers.
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-In Apple really think that our integrated SO going to win on Google no matter how hard in open flame.
"Second, let me speak tablets Avalanche seems looming in the coming months. Other tablets appear to have only a handful of acceptable sales. Almost all have 7-inch screens. Compared with 10-inch screen of the iPad, one might think these tablets offer 70% of the size that could be obtained with the iPad. But the reality is that the 7 inches is actually a little smaller than half the iPad, so we are talking of only 45% of the size for our tablet. In my opinion, this is not large enough to make better applications for tablets.
-In Apple did extensive testing, I really understand the issue. We know the limits on how close together the elements can be placed on a multitouch screen without losing usability. We are confident that 10 inches is the minimum size to make interesting applications for tablets.
- All users of tablets is also a user of smartphones. No tablet can compete against the mobility of a smartphone: easily fit into your pocket or purse, and is not intrusive when used in public. Since every user has a tablet and smartphone, giving up valuable screen size to make the tablets come in his pockets is not the right direction. The 7-inch tablets are transitive. Too big to compete against a smartphone, and too small to compete with the iPad.
Tablets -use Android, Google himself when he tells the producers that do not use Froyo. What can be expected if the software provider says that they do not use your OS and manufacturers ignore it?
"The iPad is now over 35,000 applications. The new tablets will be 0.
"Our potential competitors have great difficulty approaching the price of the iPad, even with smaller screens. Apple creates its own chip, its own OS, battery chemistry, housing, everything. An amazing product at an incredible price. The competition will be practically giving less for more.
"The new breed of tablets will be virtually" dead on arrival. " Are too small. For next year, manufacturers will learn the hard way and increase the size of their tablets, leaving customers and developers who bought the 7 inch.
both audio Engadget as TiPb transcription, there is also a section of questions and answers with Steve Jobs is interesting. Due to time constraints, I can not transcribe the moment, but these days I will. Meanwhile, you can see on the pages mentioned links are above the jump.
[ UPDATE 1: Fixed error in the amount of dollars in sales, and Android enabled device (I had eaten a zero) thanks John for letting me notice .]
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