Monday, September 27, 2010

What Type Of Weave Does Lauren London Wear

iPad vs RIM Playbook (only numbers)

tablet today announced the first BlackBerry, and more than one was astonished to your specifications. At first glance, it seems that the people of RIM is giving Apple a lesson on making a good product. But Is it really?

Image uploaded by people Engadget
As far as numbers are concerned, it would seem so. However, I learned that the power of the hardware on technical issues is not everything, so before crowning the new champion, I feel better be patient and wait for its release to see what the reviews say that we see in the videos. Moreover, while the product was announced today, no accurate information about when will be released, and this can be risky if the people of RIM plans to compete against Apple, because there are rumors stating that the Cupertino are preparing a new model iPad 7 inches (the same measures that have the playbook).

For now, however, do not think we come bad a comparison chart to see such. I think most of those interested in purchasing a tablet might find useful, or at least entertaining. Given that the iPad is a product that already in the market, and that the playbook is not yet on sale, the table used to select a winner blindly, but to see the differences between both products and note how the characteristics may give clues of the public found directed.

[ UPDATE: In the rush, I forgot to mention as it should be the fountains.]

iPad specifications from the Web Apple
Specifications Playbook via Engadget

[ UPDATE 2 : in Celularis , given the fact that the Playbook just goes on sale in early 2011. If Apple is quick, so the sales of this device does not prove what they should, although I imagine that this announcement so early going to help if the shares of RIM. ]

[UPDATE 3 : people Engadget published a rudimentary comparison between the sizes of the Playbook and the iPad. More photos here .]

[UPDATE 4 : in Gizmodo published a comparison table to eat raw I approached them at first. Playbook iPad vs vs vs Galaxy Tab Slate.]

Image uploaded by people Gizmodo
belonging to Gizmodo. The acronym means TBD "To Be Decided" (a way of saying that it is not known yet )
[UPDATE 5 : Engadget also gained a comparative table, but put aside the HP Slate and put in place to Dell Streak. They are shown below.]

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nautica's Big Bubble Butt Free Watch

iPad in Argentina

Yes, I admit that I was late. Is that no sooner was leaving the iPad, there were rumors of the unexpected arrival of the iPhone 4 and decided to put my attention on that. I also think there is not much to say: the iPad is definitely expensive, and it was expected that in Argentina turned out to be cheap.

However, if something catches my attention is the homogeneity of prices: in all leading outlets, the iPad sold the same amount of money:

- Wi iPad 16GB-Fi: $ 3399
- Wi-Fi 32GB iPad: $ 3999
- Wi-Fi 64GB iPad: $ 4699

- iPad Wi-Fi + 3G 16GB: $ 4299
- iPad Wi-Fi + 3G 32GB: $
4899 - iPad Wi-Fi + 3G 64GB: $ 5499

Without doubt, the operators not directly involved in the distribution of Apple's tablet, the price was more easily negotiable. Screenshots I leave to have the peace of mind that prices are effectively the same in leading retail outlets.

(see link at prices iPad. WiFi)

(Link to prices iPad see. WiFi +3 G)

I also let them information about the plans that have Movistar and Personal for high MicroSims iPad (Of course, only necessary for the 3G version. iPad versions are only because their plans will only take into account the consumption data).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Do Pregnancy Headaches Feel Like

New iPhone problem 4 and its possible solution

From Alt1040 , we report that the iPhone 4 has a problem unknown to many and that "again, Apple does not have any response to its users ". Apparently, there are few people to make a phone call from the iPhone 4 will not be heard across the line, which can be heard only static.

"In Apple forums do not know what to suggest," says Federico Erostarbe the Alt1040 author of the article. It even claims that some users go to change the device and the problem persists.

"In most cases it only calls, but sometimes in more applications such as iTunes or Pandora and is intermittent. Perhaps at some point to talk, but then there are days or weeks without being able to use it. "

As the problem occurs in different parts of the world, can claim the reason for failure of telecommunications companies, makes it clear .

"The worst thing is that the owners of the phone (who paid good money for it) have no response from Apple on AppleCare do not know what to say and going to a store will hopefully change the device with another (there are people who have changed the phone twice and still not working). "

"In Argentina, only now announcing the iPhone 4 and the modest price of (approximately) 850 dollars contract. This is a robbery. And if to cap the product does not work ... "

However, in the same article Alt1040, see a solution from the comments. I quote the user Eduayala , who presents a possible way to fix the mishap:

"I'm from Paraguay, I have an iPhone 4 purchased in Spain, and indeed I was having that problem.

I looked desperate anywhere (blogs, forums, etc..) Some solution to this problem, no luck. So I decided to restore the phone and set it as a new one (without going through the step of retrieving the data from my previous iPhone in iTunes), and that apparently solved the problem.

few weeks later went on reading to find news, to learn that might be what caused the problem, and found a common factor in people who had this problem was the fact set up your iPhone 4, selecting a backup copy stored in iTunes.

actually do not know if that is the problem but so far, this has been the solution for me. "

I hope that, like many who commented on Alt1040 fortunate not to suffer this misfortune. But if necessary, at least have a possible way to fix it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ap Bio Ward's Chromatography Lab Answers

There is a question I ask myself a thousand times
why I stayed in Rome?
or made in a different way,
Why not returned to Santa Fe?

answers is not here, is probably at the bottom do not want to find.

I think the reasons should be very important for me to choose a life which, though satisfactory, always lacking something. It should be a great inner strength that makes you choose to live away from my roots, my parents, my sister, my friends, my aunts, my cousins, my coast, my river, my big sky blue.

A life Senada for reunions and farewells ... goodbyes are terrible for me. Thinking about parting dims the joy of reunion ... obviously try not to think about them, but they do not think are there waiting ... and though my mind oppresses my heart knows who they are.

the other day talking to my aunt about how to for lunch on Sunday I said .. "today I'm staying at my house because I have wanted" because otherwise I invite your mother, or Celes or I Adriana Laura or what, or Vero etc etc ... and I told him how nice know they are there and if you want in minutes you can see them! that I need ...

Yes, being an immigrant in distant lands so there are times it hurts a lot ... Talking about it with a friend asked how he lived and she told me "like all good .. sometimes .. sometimes evil "
I chose a life that will always be lacking something ... is it that the term to which I respond?

inherited the "gene" of the immigrant ... of being, which is the solution to diverse situations ... I got away doubly father and mother, a story repeated over multiple generations, I wonder if cease ...

meantime I'm here, adjusting to a different culture ... coming and going, with the soul in two physically distant worlds, longing for times and wishing that the chain not continue, I do not want the same for my offspring ...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Throat Infections With Rash

iPhone 4 in Argentina and rumors Recording on the antenna

know that I am giving no new news: the iPhone 4 will go on sale Friday September 24 with the three operators simultaneously in Argentina (Movistar, Personal and Light). Or so they say.

However, something that is not widely used let's say, is the fact that people at iFixit suspect that Apple is currently selling equipment whose antenna has a new cover that would solve the problem of signal loss.

remember that, as some of you know, leaving the iPhone 4 for sale in Mexico , the director of Value Added Services Telcel (mobile phone company in that country) said that from September 30 would be available on Telcel " new devices that do not have the receipt damage" and said the company will several options for making changes to a faulty phone to another not to take:
"If the previous plan is over, you will need to hire a new one to get the iPhone change 4. If, example, already has one and take three months for payment, change the cell with a re-employment and takes into account the previous time, so instead of paying 24 months, only into 21. "

interesting words were forgotten, scheduled to rumor. However, it was not the only one who spoke of a possible change in the iPhone 4 to solve the problem. At the time, readers Gizmodo made a change of equipment (an iPhone 4 with certain problems, a new terminal of the same make and model) and noticed an improvement in signal reception between the iPhone and its replacement earlier. While most of them said there was no "visible change" in material or design, there was someone in particular who noticed these details:

"When I got the replacement, this was different from previous . The black laminate on the top of the screen was so dark in the new device. Before I could not see the proximity sensor for nothing, now I can. The steel frame of the phone is more opaque. "

Photo uploaded by people Gizmodo

Their conclusion was thinking that Apple was covering the metal frame (which is also the antenna) "somehow." The people at iFixit feels the same way: suppose that, at least in some factories, are covering the iPhone under 4 with a non-conductive material. A simple solution that will not call anyone's attention and should have been there from the beginning. With this in mind, and assuming that this is true, perhaps the question that comes to mind is: Why not announce it officially?

My answer is simple: we know that if something is missing from Apple, is humility. Since initially denied the problem, and when they did a conference about it, just try to make us believe that is a problem common to all phones on the market. Bumpers even gave the excuse that "they want to make everyone happy customers," implying that a very low number of people who suffer the loss of coverage.

image uploaded by people Gizmodo
also using the same excuse, Bumpers closed the program for free, say the number of customers with signal problems is considerably lower than expected "and therefore believe that it is no longer necessary to continue with the offer price. However, continue to make the delivery free of charge to users who demonstrate the problem.

With this in mind, I think the reason is clear: Apple will not go to admit his fault, swallow their pride and admit they made a gross error in the design of its flagship product. Thus, it makes sense to have made an arrangement in manufacturing and maintaining such a change in silence. Thus, much of its new iPhone users will have no problems and begin to say that the whole issue of Antennagate was an exaggeration of the media.

But beyond that they believe it or not, I guess they will be useful this information: the iPhone's serial number are encoded many details of their manufacture, including when they did. This is important because, if they think there is a minimal possibility that the new equipment have some improvement in manufacturing to help avoid problems signal, could verify the serial number and where appropriate to request a change of equipment, the replacement set has been manufactured in a more recent date.

iFixit As shown in the form of correctly decoding the ID of an iPhone is as follows:


F AA = ID Factory Year
B = CC =
Production Week
DDD = product identification number (is unique)
EE = Color
F = size (capacity storage, in this case)

To obtain this number, no more to go to Settings / General / About from the iPhone and to scroll to the bottom of the menu. Ideally, the figures for the week of production are higher than 27.

But back to the issue of speaking all websites dedicated to Argentine and other mobile gadgets, the fact is that Movistar confirmed the release of the iPhone 4 this Friday, but still clear and personal without saying anything to users. However, a user of Taringa able to access a course website that promoted on the iPhone 4. The portal was removed immediately, as expected.

Movistar meanwhile has a portal in store where one can subscribe to receive notice as soon as the release becomes official.

For Personal, yet I have nothing certain about it, but it must be remembered that the rumor of the arrival of the iPhone 4 to Argentine stores began as something unique Personal until the other two companies also clarified that offer.

Honestly, I do not understand why so much secrecy if it really is true that they will launch the sale in so few days. For me, it Movistar who is doing the most logical in terms of sales, opening a site that at least gives you the security to customers (and potential) that the device is expected to come.

Like it or not, however, it seems the prices and plans will not be available until Friday. It will be a matter of waiting time, meanwhile I'll be following developments of the case to update this entry as it is obtained new information.

[ Update: in unblogged obtained a list of prices which will offer iPhone 4 Claro Argentina using the models and plans to hire. In short: $ 4000 16GB model. U.S. model comes USD 200 ... This means that here in Argentina we would charging 5 times the value that the iPhone actually has 4. In case of hiring the more expensive plan of the company, the value of the cheapest model remains high: $ 2900, or nearly 4 times the original price. Hope it is not the same with the other operators, but seeing the price at which they sell the iPad, I can not be very optimistic that we say.]

[ Update 2: luckily, it seems that prices Movistar Argentina will not be as exorbitant as those of course, but we must be attentive to the conditions of the plans that we have to accept if we get the iPhone 4 at a price not-so-crazy. In numbers, would be $ 1999 (hiring a plan for $ 145) or $ 1599 (hiring a plan for $ 230). So with the cheapest plan for the two, the price of the new iPhone is 2 ½ times the original value , while the more expensive plan, the price is the exact double . Still expensive, but it is within reasonably expected taking into account the prices of other models. Via Celularis .]

[Update 3 : Movilandia placed in prices of course we already knew (along with other plans that were unknown Movistar) , but added also of Argentina Personal . Namely, would be: $ 3149 16GB model (hiring a plan for $ 119), $ 2,849 (with a plan of $ 149) and $ 2499 (with a plan of $ 199). The 32 GB model, on the other hand, has prices of $ 3,799 (with a plan of $ 119) $ 3,499 (with a plan of $ 149) and $ 2999 (with a plan of $ 199). Again, hiring the cheapest plan, would be paying the 16GB model almost 3 times more than it's worth U.S.. Then I leave the comparison chart placed in Movilandia, for that is most easy comparison.]


-16 GB: $ 2899 with plan for $ 199, $ 3049 to plan for $ 149, $ 3299 with plan for $ 99.

-32 GB: $ 3399 with plan for $ 199, $ 3649 with plan for $ 149, $ 3799 to plan $ 99 .


-16 GB: $ 2099 a $ 289 payment, there are also plans for $ 149 and $ 89
; [corresponds to add here: $ 1999 with a plan of $ 145, and $ 1599 with a plan for $ 230]

-32 GB: $ 2899 with the payment of $ 289.


-16 GB: $ 3149 with plan $ 119, $ 2849 with the $ 149 and $ 2499 to $ 199.

-32 GB: $ 3799 with the plan of $ 119, $ 3499 with the $ 149, $ 2999 to $ 199.

clear from Movilandia that more plans will be available for operators. These are simply those that could be achieved before the official release (which is tomorrow).

[ Update 4: I could not say as is the case with other operators, but prices offered Movistar are promotions for the launch so that they will soon rise. On the other hand, I leave a table recently published in Celularis . Prices have staff who had spoken up, they are exactly the same. But I wanted to show you the marketing edge that is Personal: iPhone renamed to 4 as "4GS iPhone." The height of ridiculousness.]

[ Update 5: It appears the iPhone 4 in Personal site]

[ Update 6: Prices for Movistar previously announced would be false, or were withdrawn by the company, which officially announced the other numbers in the comparative Movilandia. Just when I began to think that "were not so bad "...]

[ Update 7: Now if, Movistar updated his page and shows the final price depending on the model of iPhone 4 and plans to hire . You can go to their site from here .]

This is the initial screen of the iPhone dedicated section 4 on Movistar. I recommend you see "Legal" q before anything.
4 16GB iPhone rates according to contract plans. Click here to enlarge.
4 32GB iPhone rates according to contract plans. Click here to enlarge.
[ Update 8: legal Movistar read: Argentina Offer valid from 24/09/2010 until 29/09/2010 or while supplies of 20 units iPhone 4 32GB and 16GB iPhone 4 70 (From USA), whichever comes first. Exclusive to new highs and plan change. Read more here.]

[ Update 9: Slevin I missed the fact that in Maxim Store selling the iPhone 4 with Claro.]

[ Update 10: Today I went to a branch Fravega, and proved that sell iPhone 4 with clear and personal. On the website I only found the price of course, be a matter of waiting to update the prices of Staff. Anyway, I asked for the 32GB model with staff and sale $ 3499. Q So the prices are the Black Personal promotion, so that the plan will likely be selling the team. What is interesting is the issue of fees and discounts, which I leave below. While the screenshot is the price of the iPhone 4 with Claro, promotions and discounts also apply to the personal computer.]

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Can Husband Breastfeed On His Wife

Marathon Training 09/19/2010

Marathon Campanile - km 21/10

Ponte San Giovanni (PG) - 19/09/2010

Dear friends, the season officially started for 2010-2011 our group with the marathon at the Campanile 9:10 p.m. km!! In 14 people kicked off in Ponte San Giovanni, I am attaching the results, we note that for some preparation for the marathon has left a trail of Carpi, and other ailments have affected the prestazione.Le our women have behaved just fine , relief for the return of Ilaria 13th place and the improvement of Sara under the wise guidance of Conrad is close to the 5 '/ km on 10, Antoinette .... ,...... steel as usually! For men in the 21 to emphasize the provision of the Mark Dentini his first experiences on the half, Nicola now the undisputed No. 1 in 10 family and Cappelletti, Simone Alcidi back to the feelings of the 3 '55 "/ km, Massimo Gasbarro with an excellent 4'12 "/ km continues to grind km and improve.

128 Cascianella I GIANPIERO AVIS UISPORT TODI 1:36:40 4:34 129






1:54:44 5:26 302 CLAUDIO AMMIRATO AVIS UISPORT TODI B 1:57:40 5:34 13 Knock



1:49:19 5:10 53 MARTIN FLORA OF AVIS UISPORT TODI P 2:17:45 6:31


24 ALCIDE SIMONE AVIS UISPORT Todi 0:37:52 3:56 46

Gasbarra MAXIMUM AVIS UISPORT TODI B 0:40:28 4:12 113


Caporaletti I WILL AVIS L UISPORT TODI 12:49:13 5:07

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Best Vintage Old Stereo Recievers

videos with the new iPod Touch and iPhone 4 Which is better?

Slevin My friend sent me a video that compared the cameras of both teams, saying that despite the best specifications iPhone chamber 4, it seemed that the new iPod Touch recorded videos with better quality. And indeed, in the video I mention, there is a clear superiority of image for the cheapest of the two.

No, this is not Slevin. It's Chris Pirillo, author of the second video.
However, he quickly found another video in which the decision was not so obvious: at times seemed better the quality of the iPod, and other iPhone was beyond him. Confusing as the situation seemed, I could not do more than make screenshots for show you what my eyes and comment that it can be concluded about my opinion.
Links to the videos are in the title of each.

In this first image, which is obvious mismanagement of the light having the iPhone 4. The colors are too washed, the image is slightly overexposed note.
already in a second time, also appreciate that the lens of the iPod Touch is clearly larger. This image covers the entire note as the top building and the tree in the lower right corner. The iPhone 4, these cut out.
Returning to the handling of light, here we notice best iPhone overexposure 4. While this much light is reflected on the asphalt, the sidewalk and the cars, the iPod can view the details and colors of these clearly.
In this image is most noticeable difference even lighting, and its consequence on the colors of the image.
More evidence about the colors and the extent of the lens. It would appear that the iPhone 4 is zooming.
The height of overexposure
Up here, the first video. As anticipated at the beginning, it seems that the camera's iPod Touch is clearly superior. However, as discussed below, depending on lighting conditions. Consider that the iPhone's camera 4 has a sensor that lets you capture more light than the camera's iPod Touch. This is beneficial in low light conditions, however, it appears that under certain conditions, we played against.

Consider that the video appears to have been filmed on a cloudy day, those in the sunlight that is reflected in the clouds sky making it hard to look at him. A rather strange lighting conditions.

When I saw this scene for the first time, I was stuck . I could not decide which one was offering a picture quality closer to reality
At this point in the video, I began to see things clear ... here you can see the colors offered by the iPhone are more successful than the iPod, which are light yellow with
In this approach a Lego figure AT-ST, is clearly noted and unable to discuss the superiority of the iPhone 4 in the white balance.
Continuing with another scene in the library, yellowing of the image taken by the iPod Touch makes us conclude that the iPhone 4 is much higher when shooting indoors in artificial lighting conditions.
After seeing scenes in which the differences were more obvious because it is easier to return to the initial condition and noted that the carpet is gray a subtle yellow.
On this video, I can only reiterate what was said: iPod camera continues to capture most of the scene compared to the iPhone 4. The latter however seems to best meet the white balance in artificial light conditions, making colors look more realistic.

The difference to me is clear: the camera lens iPod Touch has a more angular than the iPhone 4, which implies a more panoramic capture the scene. But on the other hand, the iPhone capture true colors, as long as ambient lighting does not cause the lens captures more light than it should.

I still see a comparison video shot outside a sunny day, but at least in regard to interior lighting, and I assume that the iPhone is superior. And to make it more clear, I leave these screenshots of the videos filmed at the same time by Chris Pirillo, before edited to make the comparison.

By having a more telescopic lens comparison iPhone 4 catches seem cut and more "close."

Notice how the rug, especially in the top left of the dog, it looks more yellow.
[ UPDATE: Apparently, the "closeness" with which the scenes are recorded by the iPhone 4, would not be due to a lower extent of the lens on the 4th Generation iPod Touch but a software configuration of the device. Which leads me to assume this is the fact that as shown in this video , the iPhone's camera 4 shows the more distant objects when in photo mode, and about automatically when you switch to Video mode. ]